I’m in Love with Camp Ritchie!

“Let the mountains shout for joy, and all ye valleys cry aloud; and all ye seas and dry lands tell the wonders of your Eternal King! . . . Let the woods and all the trees of the field praise the Lord; and ye solid rocks weep for joy!” —Doctrine and Covenants 128:23

This scripture perfectly describes this past week in which I had the AMAZING experience of going to Mormon Girls Camp. :)
Camp is an outdoor experience for young women ages 12 to 18. It gives these young women opportunities to:

•Draw closer to Heavenly Father and His Son, Jesus Christ
•Feel the influence of the Spirit.
•Serve others.
•Build friendships and unity
•Learn outdoor skills.
•Appreciate God’s creations.
•Have fun!

“Camp is essential to the Young Women program. Camp is significant in strengthening young women’s testimonies and is an experience to build upon all year. Camp is challenging but it is worth it!”
-Young Women Camp Manual
All of us wimpy girly girls got to spend a week wothout cell phones and facebook, but with massive mountains, a freaking LAKE, and some of the most amazing leaders, this church has to offer. And THATS
saying something :)


“What humbugs we are, who pretend to live for Beauty, and never see the Dawn!” ~Logan Pearsall Smith

At camp ritchie, the makeup, the blow- dryers, the hair product, the glitz is left at home, and girls get to watch the sun rise and set. It is like NO other place on earth.

I know my character has improved this past week, And my muscles are twice as large. Yes!!! We are required to rock climb, rappell (same thing?), and try out the wooden climbing wall with the rainbow plastic nubs that are IMPOSSIBLE to grip. There’s a lake swim in the morning for all of the brave children, (which I am NOT) and the food. “OH FOOD! Glorious FOOD! Wonderful FOOD!”… Is a little slice of homeade heaven. Yum!

In short, (not really this is a long post)



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